General - Last Updated: December 15, 2020

Holiday Wellness Gift Ideas for Lawyers

2020 has been a difficult year for all of us. If you’re at all like me, you’re undoubtedly ready for it to end and are hoping that 2021 will prove to be a far less turbulent year. But before we reach the end of 2020, we’ve got the holidays to look forward to – and presents to buy.

So if you’re a lawyer or have a lawyer on your gift list, you may be looking for gift ideas. As a challenging 2020 draws to a close, people are looking for gifts that help them get through the coming months. It’s going to be a long winter, and although the vaccine is just now being distributed, widespread availability is months off. In the interim, social distancing will be the norm and we’ll all be seeking ways to find happiness and maintain wellness as we spend most of our days and nights in our homes.

That’s where the gifts ideas below come in: They’re great ways to help lawyers working remotely find joy, beauty, and peace in their homes. All of the suggestions below are my personal recommendations regarding services or items that I already own and that I’ve found have helped me weather this pandemic. Hopefully one or two will be a good fit for your wish list or for the lawyer in your life.

So without further ado, here are some wellness gift ideas for lawyers.

A Flower Subscription

When you’re working from home, small changes to your environment can make all the difference. One of the easiest and most impactful ways to brighten up your home and bring color and joy to your workspace is to display flower bouquets. Before the pandemic, picking up flowers locally made sense, but these days it makes a lot more sense to get them delivered. And if you can get them delivered regularly through a subscription service, then all the better! That’s where Enjoy Flowers comes in. You can get fresh cut flowers  – that you arrange or that are professionally arranged – from this company once a month or bi-weekly. They get delivered right to your door and are gorgeous, long-lasting blooms. Ours last at least two weeks, sometimes even more. Subscription prices start at $44.10, so not only are they beautiful, they’re affordable, too!

The Mirror

If you’re unfamiliar with the Mirror, it’s a full-length, life-size, interactive screen that is essentially a boutique gym  right inside your house. This isn’t my first time recommending The Mirror, and there’s a reason for that: it’s the perfect wellness tool when you’re quarantining. Using the Mirror, you can play one of thousands of pre-recorded or live workouts (and there are also live one-on-one training sessions available). And when it comes to wellness and relaxation, the Mirror has lots of great options. Wellness-related classes include yoga, tai chi, stretching, and meditation, and you get to choose the class length (15, 30, or 45 minutes) and the difficulty level (1-4). During the class you will be guided by the full-length image of the instructor and can see your own image on the mirror as well. While the Mirror is pricey ($1495 for the Mirror itself and $39/month for access to the classes), it’s nevertheless a great wellness investment for both the short and long term.

Amazon subscription boxes

Speaking of subscriptions, Amazon offers access to hundreds of subscription box services. These are a great way to give someone a a recurring gift that they can look forward to each month. We subscribe to two different gift box services. I gave them to my husband (socks) and my family (a Japanese snack box) as gifts earlier this year. Amazon has over 400 gift box services available in countless categories, so no matter what the interests of your gift recipient, there’s bound to be one that is right up their alley!

Meditation app subscription

Another gift subscription to consider is a meditation app subscription. Two of the most popular are Calm (my app of choice) and Headspace. These apps provide thousands of different meditations to their customers. You can search for meditations based on your preference an any given time. So, for example, you can choose anxiety-reducing meditations or meditations designed to help you fall sleep. There are also programs that consist of a series of meditations with a an end goal in mind, whether it’s focusing on gratitude, increasing self esteem, or improving concentration. You can purchase annual gift subscriptions for the lawyer on your list for a little over $60.

Wellness planner

Last, but not least, consider buying the lawyer in your life a wellness planner for 2021. Generally speaking, wellness planners provide an analog way to track and manage your wellness on a yearly, monthly, and daily basis. Using a planner you can set and track wellness goals, whether it’s exercising, meditating, or expressing gratitude. They often include sections devoted to journaling, meal planning, sleep tracking, self-care plans and more. For many people, writing and tracking wellness goals in a book as opposed to online or in an app is more effective and sometimes preferred, and that’s where these planners come in. I recently purchased The Self-Care Planner by Simple Self, and really like it. Right now it’s out of stock on Amazon and elsewhere, but there are plenty of other great options available on Amazon, and there’s sure to be one that is exactly what you had in mind.

So those are my wellness gift ideas for lawyers. Speaking of self-care, if you’d like to take a wellness break fight now, check out this FREE recording of a webinar on mindfulness on wellness or this short mediation video.

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